Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cereal chicken

1 boneless chicken breast
1 serving granola + oats
0.5 head garlic

Chop garlic finely
Mix oil, garlic, salt and pepper
Grease baking pan with oil mixture
Half chicken breast by slicing in the middle
Roll chicken breasts in oil
Pour granola + oats on chicken breasts on both sides, press to stick
Bake in oven 350F 15-20 min till chicken breasts are completely cooked

Serves 2

Celery mushroom beef pasta

1.5 celery hearts
0.5 box mushrooms
1 yellow onion
2 Roma tomatoes
0.5lb ground beef (80% lean)
4 servings spaghetti

Marinate beef in soy sauce, sesame oil, salt, pepper, corn starch. Mix well.
Chop onions, mushrooms, celery
Put spaghetti in boiling water with a pinch of salt. Stir regularly till al dente (~10min)
Put oil in pan, fry onions
Add in ground beef, fry till fats escape
Add celery hearts and mushrooms
Chop Roma tomatoes in 4 quarters and add in
Season with salt and pepper
Mix drained spaghetti in

Serves 4