1.5lb 排骨
2 potatoes
2 carrots
2 spoonful 辣椒豆瓣酱
soy sauce
炒锅放油, 油热后炒排骨直到排骨变金黄色
加入豆瓣酱, 酱青, 醋, 姜, 一起炒
放水盖过排骨, 盖锅炖
炖到水所剩无及 (~30分钟), 加入胡罗卜和土豆块翻炒
再度加水盖过材料, 盖锅炖
炖到土豆软或汁收干 (~15min)
Serves 6
1 bottle Merlot (750ml)
1.5 cup orange flavoured rum
0.5 cup sugar
1 orange
1 lime
1 lemon
Slice fruits into rounds
Soak in rum and sugar overnight
Next day, crush fruits and pour wine in
Add ice and serve
Makes 2L
$9 depending on what alcohol you buy.
Rum might not be a great idea.. too much alcohol taste